Width | 919px |
Height | 1300px |
Dominant Color | #FEFAF8 |
Imprima os animais e em seguida, recorte. Depois, é só brincar de montar e desmontar, criar textos, contar histórias. ...
Source : https://mungfali.com/post/5418328EEF166A6E05DBD43B87D6C39B46CABFCC
The Paper Model Of A Lion With Its Head And Tail Cut Out To Look Like It Is
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An Image Of A Lion With Two Lions On It's Back And One Is Facing The Same Direction
AccuCut standard wood dies feature steel-rule blades that ensure a precise cut each pass through the machine. You can cut up to seven layers of construction paper or cardstock depending on the machine you are using and the intricacy of the die. The dies will also cut through anything scissors can cut including foam, sponge, felt, fabric and more. Imagine all of the time you will save using a steel-rule die to cut the shapes you need.